● 麵塊:蒸煮乾燥、不經油炸
● 調理包:採用非基改豆瓣醬、無氫化油脂、不添加味素、防腐劑、人工香料、化學合成調味劑
● 麵塊:未漂白小麥麵粉、白山藥粉、食鹽、水
● 調理包:非基改黃豆、蠶豆、非基改甜辣醬、大豆油、芝麻香油、胡麻油、水、果糖、麵粉、酵母抽出物、香菇抽出物、玉米糖膠、辣椒、糖、薑、香菇、蔬菜粉 (胡蘿蔔、蕃茄、蘋果、葡萄糖)、辣椒粉、小茴香粉、八角粉、玉桂粉、胡荽粉、桔皮粉、香芹粉、黑胡椒、食鹽、維生素E (抗氧化劑)
● 沖泡方式
1. 取出麵塊放入碗中,將沸騰開水(約400cc)沖入碗中,蓋上碗蓋。
2. 等6~7分鐘後,將麵攪散,水倒出後,加入調理包拌勻,即可食用。
● 快煮方式
1. 將麵塊放入400cc(約三碗)的沸水中,續煮2-3分鐘後撈起麵條,置入碗中。
2. 拆開炸醬調理包,倒入乾麵裡拌勻,即成美味乾拌麵。
Noodles are steam cooked and then dried, not fried. No hydrogenated fats, no MSG, no preservatives, no artificial flavors or synthetic flavors.
Origin: Taiwan
[Noodles]: unbleached wheat flour, white yam powder, salt, water.
[Sauce Packet]: Non-GMO soybean paste, fava bean, soy oil, salt, sesame oil, water, fructose, wheat flour, yeast extract, mushroom extract, xanthan gum, chili, sugar, ginger, mushroom, vegetable powder (carrot, tomato, apple, glucose), chili powder, star anise powder, fennel powder, cinnamon powder, coriander powder, orange peel powder, parsley powder, black pepper, vitamin E (antioxidant).
Shelf Life: 10 months (unopened).
Storage: Store at room temperature, avoid direct sunlight. Please consume as soon as possible upon opening.
Unique Features:
1. Noodles are steam cooked and then dried, not fried.
2. Non-GMO bean paste used in the seasoning package.
3. No hydrogenated fats, no MSG, no preservatives, no artificial flavors or synthetic flavors.
4. To be cooked instantly and ready to serve. Fast and convenient.
[Cook] [Brewing]: Take noodles out of the package and put them in a bowl. Add boiling water (about 400cc). Cover the bowl for 4-5 minutes. Mix the noodles, pour water out. Add seasoning from the package and mix well. It’s ready to serve.
[Fast cooking]: Put noodles in boiling water (400ml,approximately three bowls), and cook for 2-3 minutes. Pour water out, and put noodles into a bowl. Add seasoning from the package and mix well. It’s ready to serve.
Allergy Alert: This product contains wheat, soy, fava beans and sesame.
Product Value:
Instant noodles in the market often are fried in high temperature cooking oil. Sometimes merchants use vegetable oil, lard and artificial flavors to add flavors. Synthesis of antioxidants, modified starch or quality improvement agents can be added to stabilize grease. The instant noodles developed by Leezen are steam cooked. The manufacturer not only improved their equipment, but also sent technicians to Japan to learn techniques. They overcame technical bottlenecks, and finally found a healthy and yet tasty recipe. The seasoning packet is another breakthrough because the flavor and smell that people are used to are mostly from artificial flavors. The varieties of instant noodles are gradually increasing; therefore, how to make healthy and tasty instant noodles has been their goal.
*May be available in store at a lower non-delivered price.